Saturday, October 5, 2013

Health Benefits Associated With Hot Tub Use

A hot tub soak can be one of the best experiences you could ever enjoy and especially after a tough day at work. The hot bubbling water and the rolling jets will leave you relaxed and feeling renewed not to mention that the experience also has many other health benefits as will be discussed in this article. Hot tubs have also been used for social purposes in the past and especially if you have a personal unit at home where you can easily enjoy with your friends and family within the confines of your privacy. A spa comes with many valuable therapeutic health benefits and over the years, it has been used as a source of relief for people in pain and especially those suffering from arthritis and other joint problems. Nowadays, a soak in the warm hot tub water is considered effective medically and there is no denying that many therapists consider these units as an important part of their therapeutic work.

 Hot tub Jacuzzis are suitable for sportsmen and women
For many years, sportsmen and women have enjoyed great health benefits associated with a hot tub soak. By soaking in the hot massaging water, one can enjoy great relieve from various muscle pains and tightness thus being revitalized for more engaging activities. When suffering from sores on any part of the body, one can soak in the warm water and this will produce great results as the body will be able to relax and loosen while the aching muscles are able to unwind easily. Hot tubs are equipped with pressurized jets which are strategically located to give a thorough and relaxing massage for relaxation. Additionally, these jets also rubdown on different body parts relieving stiffness and pain from the affected areas in the body.
Hot tubs also alleviate arthritis related discomfort
Different types of hot tubs are known for their effectiveness in offering relief to arthritis patients. Once a person suffering from arthritis soaks in the warm water, its buoyancy helps lift away the body weight from the joints thus enabling them to move with ease during the submersion. The warm water works as a therapeutic agent for the sufferer and due to the studies that have proved this to be effective, hot tubs have now been incorporated as one of the best part of arthritis therapy the world over.
Spas are also good for fighting insomnia
For people suffering from insomnia, a hot tub will come in handy as it helps the body to transit with ease from the busy un-relaxed schedule into a deep world of sleep. The warm water and the massaging jets help the mind to relax completely thus making it easy for you to sleep soundly. A soak is therefore welcome a few minutes before bedtime and the results will be obvious for you to see.
There are many other health benefits associated with soaking in a hot tub and especially for the heart. As you soak in the warm water, the blood vessels become dilated this enhancing the flow and the pumping of the blood in the body. This will in return help reduce different heart related conditions such as stroke and heart attacks. It is worth noting that hot tub use also comes with many other benefits including social benefits and especially if properly used

Photo credit:  Katrina Kieffer-Wells

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Simple and Useful Tips for Common Water Heater Repair Issues

Water heater is really helpful especially when you need hot water but many a times water heater can be a big problem especially when it is not working. Although, there are many water heater repair and maintenance companies that can resolve your water heater problems but you still need to know some useful tips that can help you to resolve your water heater problems. On the other hand, calling a professional is the right thing to do but what when there is no time for that and you need some urgent help to resolve water heater problems. Here are some simple and useful tips that can resolve simple water heater problems instantly.

The most common problem that consumers face with water heater is that the water is not hot enough and they usually start calling water heater professionals that can fix the problem. If your water heater is not heating up the water as it used to in the past it is mainly because of the thermostat in it. You can switch off the water heater and then set the thermostat in the right way and that alone will resolve the problem. You can also increase the level and see if that works for you, if not you need to replace the thermostat and that should resolve the issue.

On the other hand, it could be that your water heater is not heating up the water at all. This means that there is something wrong with your water heater. So, first check if the electric connection is right and there are no power related issues. You can also check the thermostat which can be a cause for this issue. If electricity and thermostat both are working fine you will need a professional for further help.
Another common problem is that the water heater itself is making lot of weird noise and that can scare many users. The noise is usually connected with lot of dirt and debris that have collected at the bottom of the water heater tank and therefore it can be a long term problem that you need to resolve. When you have switched off the water heater you can open it and make sure that you have clean up the tank and then try it again. This will help you to get rid of that clanking noise that can irritate you every time when you use water heater.

If there is a leakage issue with your water heater you need to check out for all the valves and pipes that are connected to the water heater. It could be that the valves are not fitted well and that could be the cause for the leak. You can look out for loose valve connections and see if you can fit it yourself using the right tools. If you are not sure on how to do that you need to read the manual and tighten the valve in the right way. Some of the water heater tanks also leak because of the rust and corrosion that has happened over a period of time.

Photo credit: Ben Franklin Plumbing.